Trustee are the gatekeeper to successful fund management

Trustee Training sessions ensure market updates, knowledge of roles and responsibilities and regulatory guidelines are accessible to Trustees of Pension Funds.

Trust us for best-in-class Trustee Training

Trustee Training adds value to your role in Pension Fund Management with:

Virtual Trustees' and Plan Sponsor Trainings

Digital Access to Numerous Resources

Self-Paced Training Completion

Empowering the decision makers to drive above market returns on pension fund investment

Trustee Training sessions ensure that fund management and compliance remain at  an optimal standard. This programme provides a wealth of resources that can be made available at your fingertips for a small fee. With over 25 years of experience in the industry, we commit to adding value to your role in the management of pension funds.

What You Need to Get Started

Here is what you need to streamline the Trustee Training process. Your business will thank you for it.

Personal Identification

This could be in the form of a passport, driver’s licence, a national ID card or Citizenship or Resident Card if you are from overseas. For minors, provide their school ID card with their photograph and signature, birth certificate, passport, or a certified passport-size photograph.

Two Character References

Any two of the persons listed can act as a character reference on your behalf: Director or permanent staff member of The VM Group; Customer’s Employer (*Conditions Apply); Principal of a School; Senior Officers and Managers of a regulated financial institution; Justice of the Peace; Attorney at Law; Notary Public; Minister of Religion or Medical Practitioner.

Proof of Address

Are you opening a personal account? We request that the residential address of each account holder be verified. For non-personal accounts, we also require the residential address of each signing officer to be verified. Also provide us with a current utility bill with your name and address.

Proof of Income

This could be: your most current pay slip, a job letter, tax returns, or an income statement form.

Tax Registration Number

Your 9-digit TRN number.

Let's Get Started

Complete the form below to speak with the VM Pensions team today.

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